“Building A Universal Foundation, 1 Child At A Time”
A Letter to Parents:
You’ve been studying the masters, from books of old, learning the truth about our human potential and development. You now live every day of your life with a much different understanding of life, a knowledge of how you and your mind operate, and how the universe operates - by Law. You’ve developed and created a better life for yourself and your family. Life is so much better than you could have ever imagined all thanks to YOU for investing in YOU. You took the time to learn and develop yourself. You put yourself on a path of becoming- the best version of yourself! One day, something said, “It’s time for a change” and you listened to that inner voice. With an open mind you took action and jumped. You began to study, grow, and learn so many new concepts and ideas. You couldn’t believe that not one person has ever talked to you about these things and you wondered why you have never heard of any of the concepts before. Why didn’t I learn this in school? How could it take me this long to discover all of this? These concepts actually work! My life is transforming and changing and I can’t believe that not one person that I know actually KNOWS ABOUT THIS! Now you have the knowledge and understanding of how particular Universal Laws operate and work. You know that your thinking is absolutely EVERYTHING! You now easily align yourself with those universal laws and they operate perfectly; creating a more harmonious life while generating FOR YOU a more complete understanding of life itself. You now understand that life happens FOR YOU, not FOR YOU. If only you knew all of this information THEN - when you were a child- How different would your childhood have been? I asked myself that question one day and it really got me thinking. I felt such a strong urge to create, it inspired me to create an incredible program for children to open their minds to the real-life magic and wonder that truly does exist, real powers that work to and through every one of us through our minds.
This is the TRUTH that has always existed, it has existed since the beginning of time. Now is a moment in time where the world is finally beginning to wake up to this information after centuries of it being suppressed.
So, I began to ask myself more questions like, “What kinds of grades would I have received in school?” “Could I have been amazing at Math?” (a subject I never seemed to master even with extra help after school.) So, ask yourself, as a parent and as a current student of the mind, how different would your childhood have been if you were aware of this knowledge? Would you have had more courage? Would you have been unafraid to speak up more or to meet new friends, to try out for that team or play that instrument in front of an audience or land that leading role in the play? Would your worst subject in school have been transformed into your best? Would you have been happier at home and with your family? Would family situations and circumstances not have left you feeling like you did? Would your childhood struggles have been dramatically improved or perhaps lifted and removed altogether? What would be different and how could that difference, IF MADE THEN, have improved your life and thinking?
These questions are intended to have you go back in time, whether pleasant or unpleasant, and rethink your childhood experiences. I am a strong believer that every experience is meant to grow us, but I know some can be hard to grow through because some experiences just are not that pleasant. The purpose of this exercise is to pull you back so that YOUR CHILD can go forward through YOU! They can have a stronger knowledge and a universal foundation of what it is YOU NOW believe to be the TRUTH. The information, knowledge and education you NOW live with can be translated to them through some incredible programs for children teaching these ideas and concepts.
As we continually develop our minds to think correctly, and we align ourselves with universal law, our entire life is continuously changing and everything and everyone in it changes - these concepts have just never been taught to us in school. IT’S TIME.
Your children are a reflection of you and the best thing a child can receive is knowledge and understanding, truth. The truth that they have the power to truly create incredible lives for themselves. The truth that dreams really can and do come true. The truth that there is a power that exists and this power lays within their minds. The truth that thought is real things and the truth that universal law absolutely governs every single human being, every single day of their life whether that person believes it or not, if is forever operating.
One of my missions on this planet is to educate children (adults too!) about the natural power and beauty that truly exists within the mind of every human being since birth! So, I decided it was time to create something NEW just for kids! The result, Universal Foundations. A root of TRUTH for children gifted directly to them from you. Universal Foundations offers Creative Mindset Coaching through our Mindset University FOR KIDS!
Children will learn about:
* Universal Laws and study and apply hands-on what they learn. * Their Mind. Conscious & Subconscious Mind, Thoughts, Vibrational Frequencies & SO MUCH MORE! * Children will also have FUN learning some CREATIVE life-enhancing skills such as:
Vision Board Creation
Creating a Goal Card and the power behind it
The Gift of Gratitude
Scripting your Life
Learn the importance of Feeling, Autosuggestion & Repetition
& More!
If you are interested in learning more about our Children’s Mindset Coaching or Universal Foundations Programs please fill out the form below and we will connect with you!